2018 Annual Winter Seminar of the GfR
17-23 February 2018, Igls-Vill/Innsbruck (Austria)
Abstract submission
Abstracts (max. 500 words) in all sub-fields of regional science are welcome via email to sekretariat@gfr.ersa.org until 11 December 2017.
Event Format
The seminar has a rather unique format: sessions are only held in the afternoons and evenings, meaning that there is ample spare time for networking, paper writing, the development of new research ideas, research collaborations, and last but not least for enjoying the beautiful Alpine nature and winter sports activities in the surroundings. Time slots of one hour are reserved for each presentation, providing plenty of room for in-depth discussion.
The seminar language will be predominantly English.
The seminar will take place at Grillhof:
Grillhofweg 100, A-6080 Igls-Vill, Tel.: +43 (0) 512 / 3838, www.tirol.gv.at/grillhof, Mail: office@grillhof.at.
Participation and Hotel booking
Participation in the seminar is free for first-time attendants and members of GfR or other regional sections of the ERSA.
Rooms can be reserved at the following rates:
Single room: 74 Euro per night (half board); 89 Euro per night (full board)
Double room: 64 Euro per night (half board); 79 Euro per night (full board)
Please contact directly sekretariat@gfr.ersa.org for reservations.
Last year’s seminar program can be found here: http://gfr.ersa.org/winterseminar-2017/