Sessions’ Summary and Presentations now available!

We are pleased to give access to the reports and the presentations of the two very successful sessions coordinated by ERSA during the EURegionsWeek held from 8-11 October 2018, in Brussels.

October 10, 2018 Migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and regional economic development

Moderator: Dimitris Ballas (co-organiser)
Speakers: Roger Casale , Nicholas Wise , Alessandra Faggian (co-organiser), Andrés Rodriguez-Pose
Organisers: European Commission – DG REGIO, Eropean Regional Science Association, Regional Studies Association

Session Summary
Europe is currently affected by the worst global refugee crisis in recent history. This session considered ways in which European cities and regions can successfully address the challenge of hosting and integrating asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants, highlighting both the humanitarian imperatives as well as relevant socio-economic issues. more

Keywords: Refugees, Migrants, Integration, Opportunity, Diversity, Regional and local economy



October 11, 2018: Thirty years of EU Cohesion Policy: What works? Where? for Whom?

Moderator: Riccardo Crescenzi (co-organiser)
Speakers: Lewis Dijkstra, Enrique Garcilazo, Thomas Farole , Ugo Fratesi  (co-organiser), Dosso Mafini, Vassilis Monastiriotis (co-organiser), Laura Polverani
Thematic cluster: Future of cohesion policy, EU budget
Organisers: European Commission – DG REGIO , European Regional Science Association, AESOP

Session Summary
The workshop brought together academics and policy makers to discuss the conditions that shape the heterogeneous impacts of Cohesion Policy across regions and policy areas: What works? Where? For Whom?. more

Keywords: Cohesion policy, Regional development, Smart specialisation, Policy evaluation

Learn also more on the debate on social media via our twitter account @ERSA_Org

To download the EURegionsweek programme, Click  here