Best registration fees until Monday 13th May, 2019
The notifications on Abstract/Paper Acceptance/decline for the ERSA2019 Annual Congress were sent out in early April.
We are happy to express our high satisfaction regarding the quality of accepted submissions for Special Sessions as well as General Themes. For sure, we can expect rich and vibrant discussions all over the week.
We expect 1000 participants from around the world to gather in Lyon next August.
There are many good reasons to come to Lyon: You want to present your research results in front of an international audience, find many opportunities to network and exchange, find out about new developments in the field, but also meet colleagues and friends.
Definitely, there is simply no better place than Lyon next August to meet the world of regional science: Register now for ERSA2019
The Congress will take place from August 27 to 30, 2019 at the University of Lyon. The theme of the Congress is ‘Places for People: Innovative, Inclusive, and Liveable Regions‘. more
Stay updated with ERSA2019 join us @ersa2019Lyon