ERSA Prize in Regional Science 2019

ERSA and the Jury of the ERSA Prize Committee are pleased to announce that this year’s prize recognizes Philip McCann, Professor of Urban and Regional Economics in the Management School of the University of Sheffield (UK), for his great skills and commitment to the development of RSAI in the realms of theory, applied theory and practice.

Philip McCann belongs to the absolute top in regional science. He is unique in that he has not only made path-breaking contributions to research in regional science and urban economics, but is also an expert in elucidating the implications of new research to scholars, policy analysts, educators and the general public.

Philip McCann is the consummate regional scientist – a teacher, editor, colleague, contributor to policy, and a researcher of both outstanding quality and prodigious quantity!  Finally, Philip also serves the scientific community in outstanding ways, for example as co-editor of journals such as Spatial Economic Analysis and Papers in Regional Science; as a book series editor; and on the boards of the British & Irish Section, the European Organizing Committee of ERSA and the Council of RSAI.
The Jury of the ERSA Prize Committee emphasizes “His contribution to science, policy and planning and the ERSA community is truly priceless
Download the Press release

Award Ceremony
The ERSA Prize in Regional Science 2019 will be presented on August 30th during the Closing Ceremony of the 59th ERSA Congress in Lyon, Ireland where Philip Mccann will also be invited to give a keynote presentation.