📣 Only 10 days left before the start of the 59th ERSA Congress in Lyon, 27-30 August 2019.
With 236 sessions, the Congress agenda will count a large variety of papers in spatial, regional and urban economics and planning, economic geography, geography and regional policy topics like local governance and institutions. With over 236 sessions scheduled
Over 900 regional scientists worldwide will be joining us for a full programme of Sessions including 6 Keynote presentations by eminent scholars:
Maryann Feldman, University of North Carolina, USA (Tue, 27 Aug.
Jacques François Thisse, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium (Tue, 27 Aug.) ;
Susan Parnell, University of Cape Town, South of Africa (Wed, 28 Aug.) ; Roberta Capello, Politecnico di Milano, Italy (Wed, 28 Aug.);
André Torre, University Paris Saclay, INRA-Agroparistech, France (Wed, 28 Aug.) ;
Yannis Psycharis, Panteion University, Greece (Thu, 29 Aug.);
Philip McCann, University of Sheffield, UK (Fri, 30 Aug.)
The ERSA unique platform will also have a Policy Session (Thu, 29 August) with the specific aim of enhancing the interaction between researchers and policymakers. I will be co-organised by the OECD and the Organising Committee of the conference. The panel combines local, regional and international policymakers and researchers to exchange on the topic ” Opportunities and risks of disruptive transport innovations in cities and regions”, and in open discussion with the audience.
Last but the least, the Congress is also the place for supporting young scientists. The Young Scientists/Epainos Sessions (Thu, 29 August) for ar dedicated slots for promising young scientists and are organized with an in-depth discussion of the papers by senior scholars in the field. As highlighted by the LOC ” 252 young colleagues (PhD students, Post-Doc researchers and junior researchers) will participate, which testifies to the vitality of the ERSA Conference.”