XLV International Conference on Regional Science
Tackling with societal, technological and climate changes in peripheral territories
20-22 November 2019, Castelló, Spain
Over 250 participants, mainly from Spain and European countries are gathering in Castelló for AECR Annual Conference, to share their research findings and exchange on today’s hot topics for society as featured by the umbrella topic.
The 45th AECR Conference is starting this afternoon with courses given by proven professors and feature blockchain, qualitative comparative analysis and Methodologies for the measurement of regional productivity.
Tomorrow, the Opening Session will start with the Keynote Lecture by Raquel Ortega Argilés of University of Birmingham and will feature the hot topic “The economic impact of Brexit in the European regions” (21st November, 11-12:00).
Two other Plenary Sessions include the Keynote Lecture by Antonio Argüeso, (Deputy Director of the National Statistics Institute) on: “The Atlas of Distribution of Household Income and beyond: the territorial statistics that come” (21st November, 11-12:00) and the Closing Keynote Lecture by Jérôme Vicente-Hernández (University of Toulouse), titled “Are cluster policies aligned with cluster research? A critical view of cluster policy design” (22nd November, 12: 30-14: 00).