Dear all,
I’m writing to say that, due to escalating public health concerns and logistical problems related to the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) disease, we will sadly have to cancel this year’s annual RSAI-BIS conference. It was due to take place in Stirling, Scotland, on 7-9 July 2020.
We have also, after much consideration, decided to hold the conference in the same location next year. Our 2021 annual conference will therefore take place on 5-8 July 2021 in Stirling, Scotland. Re-arranging the conference in this way will allow us to significant reduce our losses, to support local businesses who are going through a very difficult time, and to still enjoy the wonderful programme organised by Andy Newing and Graham Clark, which I’m told includes a loch cruise, whisky and gin tasting, our traditional pub quiz, morning fitness sessions, optional rounds of gold, and more.
I can also reveal that the Spatial Economic Analysis lecture will be given by Daniel Arribas-Bel, Senior Lecturer in Geographic Data Science at the University of Liverpool.
We will be in touch again in the next few months as we re-open abstract and session submissions, and hope you are keeping well and safe in these difficult times. We will also arrange for an AGM to be held at a later stage this year.
With many thanks to Andy and Graham for all their work.
Dr. Maria Abreu, Chair of the RSAI-BIS, on behalf of the RSAI-BIS committee
7 April 2020