In its fifth edition, the Sustainable Development Festival organized by the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) will be held from September 28 to October 14, in a hybrid format, in-person and online to stimulate reflection on the important issues raised by the pandemic.
Mark your agenda now to join the below webinar!
Green, Reforestation, Wood Chain and Water: basic elements of the ecological transition
12 October, webinar, 16,00 – 18,00 CET time
aimed at highlighting how these choices can lead to an increase in local and urban resilience, counteract desertification as well as being opportunities for development and production of renewable energy
F. C. Morabito Deputy Rector Delegate for Internationalization and International Relations.
- Giovanna Valverde-Stark, Ambassador of Costa Rica to Kenya, formerly responsible in several guises at the Climate Conferences from COP17 to Cop25, Permanent Representative of UNEP, UN-Habitat
- Ida Maria Orula, Development Center PRO MAGISTER, Pärnu, Estonia: Teaching environment and suistainability in the schools: Estonian experience
- Armando Zambrano President of the Italian National Council of Engineers – CNI (pending confirmation)
- Regional Park of Serre and Municipality of Bivongi
- Adriana Zacarias Farah, Senior Project Management Officer, Head of Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals (GO4SDGs)
- Anna Luise ISPRA – Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, report on Land degradation
- Domenico Enrico Massimo, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Cork as a resource for the territory and for development
- Vincenzo Linarello, President of GOEL – Cooperative Group
- Fabiola Fratini, University Sapienza of Rome, “Urban forestation: innovation, dissemination and tiny-tree-based solutions”
- Mauro Masiero, Univ Padova (pending confirmation)
- André Torre, University Paris-Saclay, President of ERSA – European Regional Science Association
Goal 11 – Mobilize Sustainable Cities and Communities
Goal 12 – Influence Responsible Consumption and Production
Goal 13 – Organize Climate Action
Access to Zoom:
Meeting ID: 982 0429 2966, Passcode: 9XtMbV
Streaming via Facebook
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