ERSA is searching for a new President and Vice-President. It is a five-year term, starting from January 2024.

Call for Application

The candidates should meet the following criteria:

  • to be well-known and respected in the regional science community;
  • to know the organization and to have been active in a national or supranational RSAI section;
  • to have demonstrated the ability to be team builder since she/he is expected to interact with the ERSA board;
  • to have demonstrated the necessary skills for running ERSA and consolidating its international position;
  • to demonstrate to be able to devote time to the managing activities of the association.

According to ERSA by-laws (article 12.º):

The board members, including the president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, can be proposed by any full member [section] of the association from amongst the association’s associate members [individuals who are members of a section] and are elected by the council. They are elected for a period of 5 years, with re-election possible only once.

The call for application is open from March 1 2023 to June 30 2023.

Each candidate can apply either for the President or Vice-president position only. Applications for both positions will be discarded.

All candidatures must be formally put forward by a national section. Applications must be submitted by ERSA national sections exclusively. Each application has to include the following documents:

  1. Letter of presentation and support from (at least) an ERSA section. Endorsement letters from individuals/other institutions will be disregarded.
  2. Full CV of the candidate including her/his scientific trajectory, academic and/or professional merits and any other valuable professional achievement.
  3. Letter of motivation from the candidate including, at least, (i) a short description of the own vision of ERSA, (ii) the prospective initiatives to put in place during the period of appointment referring to strategic areas of ERSA: finance, networking among the national sections, initiatives to support young researchers, among others. Max length 5 pages (A4 size, Font 11).

Application must be sent to in electronic format. For any question of clarification, please contact the Chair of the searching committee, Daniela L. Constantin (