Call for contributions and funded conference participation in Florence, Italy

Deadline: 15 September 2024

FEMETRICS is a project funded under the European University Institute’s Widening Europe Programme. It addresses gender data gaps by assessing official statistics providers, highlighting the non-economic aspect of genderdata availability, capturing the broader wellbeing of women and girls, and
analysing policy and legal frameworks. It combines policy analysis with data science and focuses on intra- and inter-generational equity by analysing the state of affairs of sex-/gender-disaggregated data and pathways to such data at EU level and in the 15 EU member states targeted by the EUI Widening
Europe Programme. The project is led by Jaromír Harmáček, Bogna Pietlinska and Gaby Umbach.

Key dates
● 15 September 2024: Deadline for submitting proposals (up to 5-pages).
● 20 September 2024: Successful candidates are notified. They will receive a research input paper from FEMETRICS, including the state of the art on the two strands, as a common analytical reference point for
discussion and the finalisation of their contributions to the conference.
– Selected submitting authors will be invited to participate in the final conference.
– Co-authors and interested non-selected authors will be invited to participate in the final conference online.
● 11-12 November 2024: Final FEMETRICS Lab at the EUI in Florence (participation of the submitting author – an ESR – from each of the 15 EUI Widening Europe programme member states and online option for co-authors and interested non-selected authors).
● December 2024: Preparation of journal special issue and reflections on
future collaboration.

Contribution proposals should be submitted in a single email addressed to
both Part-time Prof Dr Gaby Umbach (gaby.umbach@eui.eu) and Mira Tiwari
(miramanini.tiwari@eui.eu) with the subject line ‘FEMETRICS Proposal’.
In case of questions related to this call, please contact Part-time Prof Dr Gaby
Umbach and Mira Tiwari at the European University Institute’s Robert
Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.

More  information