ERSA Forum on multiple impacts of Coronavirus
Consultation on the spatial, economic and social impacts of Coronavirus
On this page, we will be publishing interesting scientific points received by regional scientists and in relation to the current pandemic. It can be existing researches, or starting ones, or scientific reflections good to exchange.

Status Report on Actions and State Aid Measures against Economic Impacts of COVID-19 at European Union and Member State Level
Viktória Józsa, PhD, CEO at Nord Consult Ltd; Presidency Member of Hungarian Regional Science Association, Hungary
30 March 2020

ERSA Survey on coronavirus lockdown
Tell us how you are adapting to coronavirus confinement
This survey is being conducted by Lise Bourdeau-Lepage, Professor, University Lyon 3 UMR EVS

RSPP Call for Paper on Regional Drivers Effects and Policies of Coronavirus
Invitation to regional scientists to commit to these urgent research questions related to the current pandemic health issue and treating large amounts of data and information to generate useful knowledge for people, journalists, health providers and policy makers.
26 March 2020

Teaching on Jupyter
Using notebooks to accelerate learning and curriculum development
Jonathan Reades, King’s College London, UK
25 March 2020

The Corona pandemic is probing our societal basis: the functioning of Services of General Interest in cities and regions
Alois Humer, FWF Erwin Schrödinger Fellow (J-3993-G29), Institute for Urban and Regional Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
24 March 2020

Modelling coronavirus with spatial proximity effects
Very initial draft discussion paper. Comments and suggestions welcome.
Bernard Fingleton, University of Cambridge, Department of Land Economy, UK
23 March 2020

“Coronavirus crisis requires greater local/national cohesion and European co-operation. As after world war II, we need to dump dirigism, more democracy and economic and institutional reforms in the EU: i.e. a common budget and put common growth and cohesion in the mandate of ECB”
Riccardo Cappellin, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Department of Management and Law, Italy
20 March 2020