Moroccan & Portuguese Sections: Joint events

°°1st AMRS Congress and 23rd APDR Congress °°Sustainability of Territories in the Context of Global Changes °°30-31 May 2016 Marrakech, Morocco °° The Portuguese Association for Regional Development (APDR) and the Moroccan Regional Science Association (AMSR) invite regional scientists, economists, economic...

Hungarian Section – Conference

°° International Conference °° New ideas and new generations of regional policy in Eastern Europe °° 7-8 April 2016, Pécs, Hungary °° In the new Cohesion Policy period the EU member states have more options to signify their specificities,...

Slovak Section – Winter Seminar

°° 6th Slovak Winter Seminar of Regional Science °° 9-12 March 2016, Low Tatras, Slovakia °° The main objective of the annual Winter Seminar is to bring creative academic debate on actual issues of regional science and practice of...

ERSA & ERES Summer School 2015

       Developers, Planners and the City  The 28th ERSA & ERES Summer School organized by the European Regional Science Association & the European Real Estate Society held from the 5th to the 14th July, 2015 in Vienna,...